Humble Beginnings
It all started in 1997, my mom, a true maverick on a mission to reclaim her time and rediscover joy. Tiptoeing away from the monotony of full-time work, she found solace in the simplicity of a part-time pursuit.
Inspired by a DIY laundry detergent recipe from the wise pages of Mother Earth News, she embarked on a journey armed with baking soda, borax, grated Castile soap, and a dash of essential oils. With a few 5-gallon buckets, large wooden spoons, a hand-held soap grater, and a shot glass for measuring essential oils – she was ready to create something extraordinary.

My mom's endeavors always bore the fruit of common sense, with a magical blossom on top. Moon Works was no exception. What began as a humble experiment in our kitchen has blossomed into a sought-after organic laundry powder. Each batch is a testament to care, authenticity, and the resilience embedded in our story.
Moon Works isn't just a product; it's a reflection of our journey, a nod to the roots of common sense, and a reminder that magic often lies in the simplest of things.
Today, I am proud to carry on her legacy and lead the business with ongoing support from my brother, Brad, and my children, Lauren and Morgan.
Join us in this authentic tale – where every scoop of Moon Works is crafted with the same passion that fueled its inception.

"Each batch is a testament to care, authenticity, and the resilience embedded in our story."
Craig Pauly, Moon Works
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Tips to make your laundry routine a whole lot better!